Monday, June 16, 2008

Time to start blogging

It's hard to believe 3 of my 8 weeks vacation from school are already over. I pondered on what I had accomplished and was saddened when I realized I was guilty of doing nothing. Well, almost nothing. My nephew, Drew, came and stayed last week with us. We went to VBS at Pinelake all week (I did 1st and 2nd grade music) and had activities/appointments in the afternoon. We learned what a dietician does, what a sonogram is, and what an obstetrician does. We also went swimming, watched a MS Braves game, and played numerous board games. Brooks has been busy at work and was a little surprised to find out that Verizon is buying Alltel in December. We hope he will keep his job, but you never know what will happen with these deals. This will all go down soon after we welcome our second child! Baby #2, which appears to be a little boy (we'll know for sure on July 8th) is due December 6th. I am convinced I will have this baby Thanksgiving week. We'll see. As for Carterman, he is on the move. He is still not crawling, but his latest accomplishment is to roll from his back to his stomach, and wiggle back to a sitting position. We still haven't seen him crawl, but he manages to scoot all over the place. He is still the sweetest child ever and continues to remind me daily that he is a blessing from God. Isn't God good?!

1 comment:

ragamuffin said...

love the new blog

now UPDATE! :)