Sunday, October 5, 2008

More Progress

Jake's room is close to being finished painting! Thanks Rachel and Paul! They painted Saturday and today.

I can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel. We put the bassinet back together last night. We had to get it out of the attic. We had no idea we'd need it so soon!! We picked up the crib yesterday afternoon and as soon as the room is dry we can put that together!! YEAH!!

We had "helping hands" at church today. It never fails that either Brooks or Carter is sick every time it is our turn!! Carter wouldn't eat last night (we went to Cock of the Walk with Rachel and Paul.) Then this morning he threw all his food on the floor (not that unusual) but then he started throwing up. Fever came on a little after that, but he seems to be feeling better. I decided to clean since he was napping alot today and realized that my house was disgusting. I seriously might need a maid. I just can't keep it clean. After cleaning literally for like 6 hours, I decided to shower and finish reading New Moon (2nd book in Twilight series)Carter woke up and Brooks brought him to me (since he was actually letting us hold him and cuddle--I took advantage!)Twenty minutes later I finished my book and was ready to get up. But I couldn't. I felt like I had worked out really hard and it was the next morning. All that from cleaning...told you my house was dirty...

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