Monday, January 19, 2009

Detox Day 1

So yesterday I was googling diets. I found this Lemonade Detox Diet. Beyonce recently used it to shed pounds quickly for a movie. Anyway...yes I do know that to lose weight "the right way" you just have to eat less and exercise more. However, I want a bit of a jump start. I decided that this detox really starts when you have to go all over the place looking for ingredients. I went to Kroger and got lemons, cayenne pepper, and uniodized sea salt ($18). Then I went to wal-mart looking for the laxative herbal tea and grade B organic maple syrup. I spent $12 there but stopped at Brookshires since technically I didn't get the right syrup. They had nothing. When I got home I researched the tea again because I wasn't confident in my choice. I saw that I had chosen the wrong one, so I got back in the car to Wal-mart and bought "Get Regular" Yoga Tea. It is in a really pretty box--so I spent another $4---we are up to $34 and I haven't even got started.
I drank my tea last night around 10 and it was really good. I enjoyed it thoroughly. I went to bed shortly after. I slept fine until 4 am when Jake woke up. I noticed my stomach cramping a little when I got up, but it wasn't enough that I couldn't go back to sleep.
I woke up around 8 and went straight to make my salt water flush. This is 1 qt. water and 2 teaspoons of sea salt. I had to google to see how many oz is in a quart--it is 32--so I made my concoction and begin to drink it. If you've ever gone to the beach and accidentally swallowed some water--that is what it tastes like--but not as strong I guess.It is not good. The first cup went pretty fast, the 2nd took a bit longer, the third even longer and here it is 10 am and the 4th cup is still looking at me. I drank 20 oz of regular bottled water and it seemed to give the same effect. I have been to the bathroom 3 times so far. I weighed, but I am not brave enough to reveal that. Will keep you posted on day to day weight loss.
I realized that I bought the wrong syrup so I called an organic food store this morning and they have it so Brooks is on his way to get it now. I will go ahead and start making the lemonade. You have to use real lemon juice so I am going to use my juicer to get as much juice as possible out of the lemons because they are pretty expensive.
It is 10:15 and I am not hungry, emotionally I am okay, and physically I am good too!
later that day....
Okay so I volunteered to cook chilli for a girl that lives in our neighborhood that had a baby Friday. I had to smell this amazing chilli and spoon her a family sized bowl of it. It smelled so good and I wanted to stick my face in the pot, but I didn't. It was really hard. I cleaned the kitchen to get rid of the smell. I seemed to notice everything Brooks ate. I feel fine, but am realizing this is going to be hard. I was reading more on this diet and read that you can take cayenne capsules so I went to GNC and got a bottle (another $9) but I think this whole thing will be more doable if I actually can stomach the lemonade. I drank some peppermint tea, then had my laxative tea. Both were very good and almost comforting on this chilly night!

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