Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Detox Day 2

Last night I didn't sleep well because Jake woke up around 2:30, 3, 3:30--I finally gave in and put him in our room because running back and forth sped up the laxative tea and put me in the bathroom when I needed to sleep. I got up a little after 5. I weighed and had lost 1.5 pounds. Yay.I was able to get down all 32 oz. of the salt water flush this morning. I downed it in like 3 minutes and it almost tasted good. It almost reminded me of chicken broth or maybe I was pretending. Around 6:30 I took a cayenne pepper capsule and drank some lemonade. About 5 minutes after taking the capsule my nose literally opened and I felt like I could smell and breathe in better. Then my ears felt like steam was coming out and my stomach started burning. I drank some cool water to put out the fire and that seemed to work. I went on to school and took another capsule about 7:30.Bad idea. By 8:30, my stomach was on fire and upset. I walked out of class to the bathroom and actually threw up a little bit. I felt like I was going to die for just a minute and was considering going home, but then--as quickly as it came on, it went away. Weird.
School was easy and even lunch was manageable despite everyone eating around me. I drank a cup of peppermint tea while everyone ate. I took another capsule and drank lemonade during 6th period. Stomach felt hot again but didn't "hurt" like this morning. I went on to take Jake to the Dr. and was fine. I drank the rest of the lemonade and had my 4th capsule. I can feel the heat from my throat to my stomach, but it isn't uncomfortable.I am about to have some tea before my laxative tea. I really haven't been hungry today like I thought I would be and I am quite amazed that "stuff" is still coming out even though I haven't eaten in almost 48 hours.

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