Sunday, August 31, 2008

HE Is Our Risen Lord and Savior!

Brooks and I got baptized today. We did it "Jesus-style" in the Reservoir. Over 100 people were baptized and we were in the last group to go today. It was a fun experience and this is just another way for us to be obedient to God. We are so Blessed!

Brooks waiting in line!

I was worried I might slip!

Wading to my pastor. The mud was gushy!

Brooks going in.

Me and our pastor, Chip Henderson

Okay, so my feet came out from under me and I can't pull my abs because of baby Jake, so it was a little humorous trying to get my feet on the ground!

Wading back in...

This is my old Pinelake small group. We meet to study the Bible and fellowship.

Thanks goodness Brock and Christie's family were there to watch Carter. They said he had fun clapping.

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